An overview of Authorized User Tradelines


Being authorized on a credit card account can save you money in the long run and help you get a better car or mortgage rate. That said, you should know a few things before moving forward. Before becoming an authorized user or adding someone as Authorized User Tradelines, ensure you understand what you're getting yourself into.

What is an authorized user, Tradelines?

An Authorized User Tradelines on a credit card account is someone who can use the credit card the same as the primary account holder. This means they can make purchases and payments just like the person who opened the account. Due to the shared responsibility, any information regarding the account is also linked to the primary account holder. A person's credit report and credit score are impacted when they are added to an account, whether new or existing users.  

Who can be added as an authorized user?

An account should only be shared with family and close friends. Technically, you can become an authorized user to anyone, but it's not advised. Because becoming an authorized user involves sharing your financial details, only do so with someone you trust - like a family member or loved one.

Does being an authorized user help their credit?

Yes, it can help improve someone's credit score if they have good credit behavior. It usually takes about 60 days before any changes can be seen on the credit report after being added as an authorized user. Once an authorized user's tradelines are on the credit report, their score will adjust accordingly - but only if they have good credit behavior. They need to understand that their credit score will not improve significantly if they have severe credit issues, such as getting calls from debt collectors, having significant medical debt, or missing many credit card payments.
What is the turnaround time for authorized user tradelines to appear on a credit report?

It usually takes 30 to 60 days for authorized user tradelines to appear on your credit report. However, it can be sooner - it depends on how close to the reporting date you were added. If you're in a rush to improve your credit score and need it to go up for an application, it's best to wait until the tradeline has had time to post to your account.

Where can you buy authorized user tradelines?

Some companies sell seasoned authorized user tradelines to give your credit score a boost. If you choose to buy a tradeline, ensure the company has a system to refund your money if the tradeline doesn't post to your account. This does happen occasionally.

How much do authorized user tradelines cost?

Want to buy a CPN Tradelines? A seasoned tradeline will cost you several hundred dollars or more. They don't come cheap, but they could save you money if you're looking for a new house or car.

Bottom Line

Authorized user tradelines can help quickly improve your credit score when needed. However, if your credit score is low because of delinquent payments in the past, don't expect it to go from bad to excellent credit overnight. These things take time. To get your credit score where you want it, start by paying down your debt and ensuring that you always make your payments on time.


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