CPN Tradelines: What You Need To Know



If you're looking for ways to improve your credit score, you've come across the CPN tradelines at some point. Well, there you have it: you've found it. So what's the verdict?

CPN stands for Credit Privacy Number or sometimes Credit Profile Number. This 9-digit number is supposed to substitute for a social security number. The seller will tell you that you can use this number to improve your credit score and will often recommend using a different address on your driver's license to avoid cross-referencing. This detail is already a bad sign, and you should be aware if you have to use a fake address to use a product.

According to the company that markets them, the appeal of the CPN tradeline is that they offer something "clean" for consumers looking for an easy way to improve their credit score. A new address, phone number, and "Social Security Number" - sounds great, doesn't it? You can't believe it - there's a reason for that.


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