What is CPN (Credit Privacy Number)?

 What are CPN Numbers? How is CPN created? Your mind may be filled with a few questions. CPN stands for Credit Privacy Number. It has the same 9-digit format as the SSN, a social security number, and CPN is a fake number used to apply for credit with a modified identity. Let us tell you more about what a CPN is.

What is CPN?

CPN stands for Credit Privacy Number or Credit Profile Number, which is not legal and is not even issued by the government. Using CPN is considered cheating.

CPN is used by scammers as a fake loan privacy number instead of SSN (Social Security Number) when applying for a loan. Scammers sell CPN as a second option for credit or to reset credit scores. They say CPNs can open new avenues for lending without being hampered by old or low credit ratings. Because of this, some people are attracted to CPN scams.

How is CPN created?

According to scammers, CPN Numbers are created from the second version of SSN, but that is not true. They say Social Security generates the numbers, but they aren't. The truth is that CPNs are created using synthetic identity fraud and identity theft. Let's see what this CPN number generator means.

Synthetic Identity Fraud: The CPN Numbers created using the synthetic identity spoof method use an algorithm to generate a 9-digit SSN. They use illegal online validators to verify and determine these numbers. This scam has led to credit card fraud which causes almost 80% of credit card losses.

Identity Theft: The identification method used to generate CPN is using credit history and resetting credit scores. The CPN resulted from stolen SSN from parents, children and even prisoners. In particular, NES created here are used for identity theft because they are doubtful of being caught.

Why Do CPNs Exist?

 Credit Profile Number exists because many consumers are desperate to escape their creditworthiness, willing to pay thousands of dollars to disguise who they are and unlock new credit identities. Unfortunately, it doesn't work; you may be breaking the law if it does. You should avoid the product as changing your SSN or providing an incorrect SSN may be illegal.

Does CPN help bad credit?

CPN is offered as a "reset" of your credit history. Companies that sell CPN claim that credit bureaus won't share your bad credit history with lenders. It promises a "fresh start," but that fresh start is not legal and could land you in hot water. CPN does not change your credit score, and using a number instead of your SSN is an illegal way to get credit.


CPN is also called a credit profile/privacy number. Officials or the government does not produce them. Some fraudulent and scammers sell it by generating it from a child's or child's social security number. People fall for it because of good credit or a new credit score. Instead, you should try to rebuild your credit score by other legitimate means. Now that you know what CPN Numbers are, you don't have to fall for scammers and play it safe.


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